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Welding Qualifier Standards and Code Rules

Hi Everyone,

This is the latest of a series of blog posts highlighting the new Welding Qualifier software - this one describing some of the code rules built into the software.

One of the most important functions of Welding Qualifier (like Weldspec and Welderqual) is the code checking which the software does against the major international codes and standards covering welding procedure and welder qualifications.

These rules help you to ensure that the documents you create are compliant with the appropriate codes by:

  • Automatically generating lists of variables (essential, etc.) required by the code or standard depending which process(es) is(are) used in the test weld.
  • Automatically generating test requirements (radiographic/mechanical tests, fillet weld tests, etc.) based on test material dimensions and material types.
  • Automatically generating ranges of approval, so (for example) WPSs have the maximum range of approval allowed by the code, for example thickness, diameter, preheat, heat input, etc.

In Welding Qualifier, all of these are done live as you’re creating the document, and especially on a WPQ, you’ll notice that the software generates the range of approval as you type the test variables on the document.

Version 1.0 of Welding Qualifier has code rules from the following:

  • ISO 9606-1
  • ISO 15614-1

There are forms in the version 1.0 software for AWS D1.1, but the code rule intelligence will be added later this year, along with the rules from part 2 of ISO 9606 and ISO 15614 (on aluminium). 

We’ll then be building in other codes and standards, including ISO 14732 (mechanised welding operators), other parts of ISO 15614 and 9606, API 1104 and other parts of the AWS D series.

If you have any questions on the new Welding Qualifier software, let us know on the following:


t   +1 303 842 3433 (North America) or +44 (0)1223 899000 (RoW)

All the best,

Andy Brightmore, EWE

Welding Qualifier screen shot 20180702-1.jpg
Screen shot showing test values and approval ranges